About Us

The Nevada Chesterton Society is a “set of highly well-intentioned young jackasses”. This is a title that our patron unwittingly gave to all Chestertonians when he penned it over 100 years ago, but you don't have to be young in fact to join; just in spirit. I think the man would have been surprised to know there would be societies dedicated to him years after his death. He probably didn’t consider himself worthy of such devotion, but we have stumbled across his works and found that “it is Good” and with a fanatical enthusiasm have decided that everyone should know this man. I am referring of course to the great 300 lbs philosophizing Roman Catholic Journalist, whom you never heard of, G.K. Chesterton. We can forgive you for not having heard of him. You really should have heard something by him, something about him or at least something against him, but alas that enormous figure has not diminished, but rather dissolved in our fogy modern minds. His influences are every where, from Gandhi to Michael Collins, from T.S. Elliot to George Orwell. He walked in a time of literary and political giants. In that court, he played sometimes the fool, sometimes the King, but always the sage. Most admired him, some rebuked him, and some trembled at the thought of him, but they all knew him. Like the Old Religion he served, he was a figure that you could not merely be dispassionate about. So we cordially invite you to come participate. Come to love or hate him, but come to know him.

The Nevada Chesterton Society holds regular book discussions on a monthly basis. We also host talks and forums, poetry reading, plays, all things Chestertonian. We usually meet in a pub or a restaurant; someplace convivial. No matter who you are, where you’re from or what you think you are most welcome to come participate. Refer to this site regularly for information on upcoming events. And visit the site of The American Chesterton Society for an abundance of material from G.K. Chesterton.

Contact Sharon Parker at 775-688-3021 or at dolcevita30@yahoo.com for more information.

August Meeting Information

Our August meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 4th, at 6:00 p.m. at Walden's. We will be discussing two Fr. Brown stories, "The Hammer of God" and "The Flying Stars". Both are included in the book The Innocence of Father Brown. They are also available on the internet. See, e.g., http://chesterton.thefreelibrary.com/The-Innocence-Of-Father-Brown/4-1 and http://chesterton.thefreelibrary.com/The-Innocence-Of-Father-Brown/9-1.

Also, August marks the end of our scheduled syllabus, which means your fearless President is now soliciting input for next year's syllabus (we run Sept. through Aug.). Please let me know if there is a Chesterton (or Chestertonian) book, poem, essay, or even just a topic you'd like to read in the coming year. See you in August!

Posted on: Thursday, July 08, 2010


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